The Last Palace Bibliography

The Last Palace Bibliography


Archival Sources

United States

Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
          William Harlan Stoneman Papers, 1928–1974 

Eisenhower Presidential Library & Museum, Abilene, KS
          Bernard Yarrow Papers, 1907–1973
          US Army: Unit Records, 1917–1950

George H. W. Bush Presidential Library & Museum, College Station, TX
          White House Press Office Files

Harry S. Truman Presidential Library & Museum, Independence, MO
          Harry S. Truman Papers

Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford, CA
          Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Records, 1989
          Stanislav A. Auský Collection

Library of Congress, Washington, DC
          Laurence A. Steinhardt Papers, 1929–1950

National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, MD
          Military Microfilm
          T-84, Miscellaneous German Records Collection
          RG 59, General Records of the Department of State
                  Central Decimal Files, 1945–1949
                  Czechoslovak Crisis Files, 1968
          RG 111, Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer
          RG 238, World War II War Crimes Records
          Records of the Office of the US Chief Counsel for the Prosecution of Axis Criminality
          RG 306, Records of the US Information Agency
          RG 338, Records of US Army Operational, Tactical, and Support Organizations (World War II and Thereafter)
          RG 407, Records of the Adjutant General

National Security Archive, Washington, DC
          Smith-Mundt Group Collection

Princeton University Library, Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, Princeton, NJ
          Allen Foster Dulles Papers
          John Foster Dulles Papers
          Jacob D. Beam Papers

United States Holocaust Memorial & Museum, Washington, DC
          RG 48.017, Židovské organizace [Jewish organizations]
          Steven Spielberg Film and Video Archive

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Czech Republic

Archiv bezpečnostních složek [Security Service Archive]
          Hlavní správa Vojenské kontrarozvědky 1945–1954 [Laurence Steinhardt file, inventory no. 302-223-4]
          Record no. 10/89, Shirley Temple Black file (1006042 MV)

Archiv České národní banky [Czech National Bank Archive]
          Bankovní dům Petschek a spol. 1868–1988 [Banking House Petschek and Co., 1868–1988]

Archiv hlavního města Prahy [Prague City Archives]

Archiv Kanceláře prezidenta republiky [Archive of the Office of the President of the Republic]

Archiv Ministerstva zahraničních věcí [Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs]
          Generální sekretariát a sekretariát ministra 1945–1970 [General Secretariat and Secretariat of the Minister, 1945–1970]
          Zastupitelský úřad Spojené státy americké 1920–2007 [Embassy of the United States, 1920–2007]

Archiv Národního muzea [National Museum Archive]
          Bankovní dům Petschek 1922–1938 [Banking House Petschek, 1922–1938]

Archiv Prahy 6 [Archive of Municipal District Prague 6]
          House no. 181, Department of Construction

Archiv Univerzity Karlovy [Charles University Archive]
          Matriky Německé univerzity v Praze [Register of the German University in Prague]
          Matrika doktorů německé Karlo-Ferdinandovy univerzity v Praze/Německé univerzity v Praze [Register of the graduates of the German Charles-Ferdinand University in Prague/German University in Prague]
          “Katalogy posluchačů” [Catalogs of the University Students] of Právnická fakulta Německé univerzity v Praze [the Law School of the German Charles-Ferdinand University in Prague]

Česká národní rada [Czech National Council]
          Sbírka [Collection] 1945–1949

Knihovna Václava Havla [Václav Havel Library]
          Institute of Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences
          Coordination Center of the Civic Forum

Masarykův ústav a Archiv Akademie věd České republiky [Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic]
          Edvard Beneš, oddíl 2—veřejná činnost 1939–1945 [Edvard Beneš, section 2—public activity 1939–1945]

Národní archiv České republiky [National Archives of the Czech Republic]
          Výstřižkový archiv MZV [Ministry of Foreign Affairs press clippings archive]

Státní oblastní archiv Most [State Regional Archive in Most]
          NAD 971—Mostecká uhelná
          NAD 939—Severočeská uhelná

Státní oblastní archiv Praha [State Regional Archive in Prague]
          Bankovní dům Petschek 1911–1951 (Soupis písemností “A” Bankovního domu Petschek a spol. [Banking House Petschek, 1911–1951, Collection of documents “A,” Petschek Banking House and Co., 1911–1951])

Vojenský historický archiv [Military History Archive]
          Ministerstvo národní obrany 1945–1990 [Ministry of National Defense, 1945–1990]
          Kancelář prezidenta republiky (KPR), 1919–1947 [Office of the President of the Republic, 1919–1947]

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Bundesarchiv Militärarchiv [Federal Archives—Military Archives], Freiburg im Breisgau
          Generalstab des Heeres [General Staff of the German Army] (RH 2 OKH)
          Bevöllmächtigter General der deutschen Wehrmacht in Italien [Plenipotentiary General of the German Wehrmacht in Italy] (RH 31-VI)
          Chef des Transportwesens [Head of Transportation] (RH 4)
          Bundeswehr [Federal Army] (BW 9/750)
          Personalunterlagen von Angehörigen der Reichswehr und der Wehrmacht [Personnel Files of Members of the Reichswehr and Wehrmacht]
          Operational History (German) Section der Historical Division of the US Army (ZA 1)
          Nachlass [Papers] of General Fieldmarshall Wilhelm Keitel (N 54)
          OKW/Wehrmachtsfuehrungsstab [Office of the Wehrmacht High Command] (RW 4)
          Sven Steenberg Sammlung zur Wlassow-Bewegung [Sven Steenberg Collection on the Vlasov movement] (MSG 137)

Bundesarchiv [Federal Archives], Berlin
          Bundesvorstand des Freien Deutschen Gewerkschaftsbundes [Federal Directorate of the Free German Union Association] (DY 34)
          Statistisches Reichsamt [Imperial Statistical Office] (R 3102)
          Hauptamt Ordnungspolizei [Main Office of the Police] (R 19)
          Persönlicher Stab Reichsführer SS [Personal Staff of the Reichsführer SS] (NS 19)
          NS Partei-Kanzlei [National Socialist Party Chancellery] (NS 6)

Bayerisches Hauptstaatsarchiv [Bavarian State Archives], Munich
          Offizierspersonalakten [Officers’ Personnel Files]

Politisches Archiv des Auswärtigen Amts [Political Archive of the Foreign Office], Berlin
          Gesandtschaft Prag [Legation in Prague] (RAV Prag 6)
          Handelspolitische Abteilung (R 106)
          Dienststelle Ribbentrop (R 27179)
          Gesandtschaft Bukarest [Legation in Bucharest] (RAV Bukarest 53)
          Politische Abteilung IV Tschechoslowakei [Political Section IV, Czechoslovakia] (R 101. 352)
          Büro des Staatssekretär [Office of the State Secretary] (R 29765, R 29767, R 29768)
          Protokol Inland II (Geheim) Protektorat [Secret Internal Protocols of the Protectorate] (R 101109)

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Yad Vashem
          International Tracing Service Archive
          Frieda (Gruenfeld) Eisen
          Bertha (Gruenfeld) Schiff
          Josef (Beinisch) Gruenfeld
          Bernat Gruenfeld

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United Kingdom

The National Archives of the UK, Kew, Richmond, Surrey
          Record HW, Records created or inherited by Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ)
          HW 1, Government Code and Cypher School: Signals Intelligence Passed to the Prime Minister, Messages and Correspondence, 1940–1945
          WO 171, War Office: Allied Expeditionary Force, North West Europe (British Element): War Diaries, Second World War

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Private Archives

Petschek Family Archives
          Eva Petschek Goldmann Collection
          Marc Robinson Collection
          Sylvia Hoag Collection

Toussaint Family Archive

Steinhardt Family Archive

Black Family Archive

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Published Document Collections

Documents on British Foreign Policy, 1919–1939:
          Series 3. Vol. 2: 1938. London: His Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1949
          Series 3. Vol. 3: 1938–1939. London: His Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1949
          Series 3. Vol. 4: 1939. London: His Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1949

Documents on German Foreign Policy, 1918–1945:
          Germany and Czechoslovakia 1937–1938. Series D (1937-1945). Vol. 2. Washington, DC: United States Government Printing Office, 1949

Foreign Relations of the United States:
          Diplomatic Papers, 1941, General: The Soviet Union. Vol. 1. Washington, DC: United States Government Printing Office, 1959
          Diplomatic Papers, 1945, Europe. Vol. 4. Washington, DC: United States Government Printing Office, 1968
          1946, Eastern Europe, The Soviet Union. Vol. 4. Washington, DC: United States Government Printing Office, 1969
          1947, Eastern Europe; The Soviet Union. Vol. 4. Washington, DC: United States Government Printing Office, 1972
          1947, The British Commonwealth; Europe. Vol. 3. Washington, DC: United States Government Printing Office, 1972
          1948, Eastern Europe; The Soviet Union. Vol. 4. Washington, DC: United States Government Printing Office, 1974

Woodrow Wilson Center, Digital Archives:
          End of the Cold War Collection
          Stalin and the Cold War Collection

Kárný, Miroslav, ed. Protektorátní politika Reinharda Heydricha [Protectorate Policy of Reinhard Heydrich]. Prague: Tisková, ediční a propagační služba, 1991.

Král, Václav, and Karel Fremund, eds. Lesson From History: Documents Concerning Nazi Policies for Germanisation and Extermination in Czechoslovakia. Prague: Orbis Books, 1961.

Littell, Robert, ed. The Czech Black Book. New York: Praeger, 1969.

Navrátil, Jaromír, ed. The Prague Spring 1968: A National Security Archive Reader. New York: Central European University Press, 1998.

Otáhal, Milan, and Zdeněk Sládek, eds., Deset pražských dnů (17.–27. listopad 1989). Dokumentace [Ten Prague Days (November 17–29, 1989). Documentation]. Prague: Academia, 1990.

Prečan, Vilém, ed. Prague–Washington–Prague: Reports from the United States Embassy in Czechoslovakia, November–December 1989. Prague: Václav Havel Library, 2004.

Prečan, Vilém, and Derek Paton, eds. The Democratic Revolution in Czechoslovakia: Its Precondition, Course, and Immediate Repercussions 1987–89: A Chronology of Events and a Compendium of Declassified Documents. Prague: National Security Archive, Czechoslovak Documentation Centre, and Institute of Contemporary History, 1999.

Vogt, Martin, ed. Herbst 1941 Im “Führerhauptquartier”: Berichte Werner Koeppens an Seinen Minister Alfred Rosenberg [Autumn 1941 in the “Führer’s Headquarters”: Reports by Werner Koeppens to His Minister Alfred Rosenberg]. Koblenz: Bundesarchiv, 2002.

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Selected Books and Journals

Abrams, Bradley F. The Struggle for the Soul of the Nation: Czech Culture and the Rise of Communism. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2004.

Adler, H. G. Theresienstadt: The Face of a Coerced Community. Translated by Belinda Cooper. Edited by Amy Loewenhaar-Blauweiss. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2005.

Agnew, Hugh L. The Czechs and the Lands of the Bohemian Crown. Stanford, CA: Hoover Institution Press, 2004.

Albright, Madeleine. Prague Winter: A Personal Story of Remembrance and War. New York: HarperCollins, 2012.

Anderson, Jack. Peace, War, and Politics: An Eyewitness Account. New York: Forge, 1999.

Angrick, Andrej, and Peter Klein. The “Final Solution” in Riga: Exploitation and Annihilation, 1941–1944. Translated by Ray Brandon. New York: Berghahn Books, 2009.

Applebaum, Anne. Iron Curtain: The Crushing of Eastern Europe 1944–1956. New York: Doubleday, 2012.

Ash, Timothy Garton. We the People: The Revolution of ’89 Witnessed in Warsaw, Budapest, Berlin and Prague. Cambridge, UK: Granta Books in Association with Penguin Books, 1990.

Ausky, Stanislav. Betrayal and Treason: The Army of General Vlasov in Bohemia (Czechoslovakia). San Francisco: Globus Publishers, 1982.

Avriel, Ehud. Open the Gates!: A Personal Story of “Illegal” Immigration to Israel. New York: Atheneum, 1975.

Baer, Josette. “Spirits That I’ve Cited . . .” Vladimir Clementis (1902–1952): The Political Biography of a Czechoslovak Communist. Stuttgart: Ibidem-Verlag, 2017.

Bahar, Izzet. “Turkey and the Rescue of Jews During the Nazi Era: A Reappraisal of Two Cases; German-Jewish Scientists in Turkey & Turkish Jews in Occupied France.” Doctoral dissertation, University of Pittsburgh, 2012.

Balík, Stanislav, Vit Hloušek, Lubomír Kopeček, Jan Holzer, Pavel Pšeja, and Andrew Lawrence Roberts. Czech Politics: From the West to East and Back Again. Opladen, Berlin, and Toronto: Barbara Budrich Publishers, 2017.

Banville, John. Prague Pictures: Portrait of a City. New York and London, UK: Bloomsbury Academic, 2000.

Barták, Matěj. Velká kniha citátů [Great Book of Quotations]. Prague: Plot, 2010.

Bartošek, Karel, and J. M. Kohoutová. The Prague Uprising. Prague: Atria, 1965.

Bartov, Omer. Hitler’s Army: Soldiers, Nazis, and War in the Third Reich. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 1992.

———. The Eastern Front, 1941–45: German Troops and the Barbarisation of Warfare. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1986.

Batscha, Zwi. Ve stopách naděje: Vzpomínky olomouckého rodáka v Izraeli [In the Track of Hope: Memories of the Olomouc Native in Israel]. Olomouc: Votobia, 2002.

Bažant, Jan, Nina Bažantová, and Frances Starn, eds. The Czech Reader: History, Culture, Politics. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2010.

Beam, Jacob D. Multiple Exposure: An American Ambassador’s Unique Perspective on East-West Issues. New York: Norton, 1978.

Bedoire, Frederic. The Jewish Contribution to Modern Architecture, 1830–1930. Stockholm: KTAV Publishing House, 2004.

Benarde, Scott. Stars of David: Rock ’n’ roll’s Jewish Stories. Lebanon, NH: Brandeis University Press, 2003.

Ben-Arie, Katriel. “Czechoslovakia at the Time of ‘Munich’: The Military Situation.” Journal of Contemporary History 25, no. 4 (July 1, 1990): 431–46.

Beneš, Zdeněk, and Václav Kural, eds. Facing History: The Evolution of Czech-German Relations in the Czech Provinces, 1848–1948. Prague: Gallery for the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, 2002.

Berenbaum, Michael, and Fred Skolnik. “Petschek.” Encyclopaedia Judaica. Vol. 16. 2nd ed. Detroit, MI: Macmillan Reference USA, 2007.

Berger, Natalia, and Ruth Bondy, eds. Na křižovatce kultur: Historie československých Židů [At the Crossroads of Cultures: The History of Czechoslovak Jews]. Translated by Rudolf Pellar and Luba Pellarová. Prague: Mladá fronta, 1992.

Berman, Gizel. My Three Lives: A Story of Love, War and Survival. Seattle, WA: Niche Press, 1999.

Bessel, Richard. Nazism and War. New York: Random House, 2004.

Birge, Walter. They Broke the Mold: The Memoirs of Walter Birge. Edited by Virginia N. Birge. Paul Mould Publishing, 2012.

Bischof, Günter, Stefan Karner, and Peter Ruggenthaler, eds. The Prague Spring and the Warsaw Pact Invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968. The Harvard Cold War Studies Book Series. Plymouth, UK: Lexington Books, 2009.

Black, Shirley Temple. Child Star: An Autobiography. New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing, 1988.

 Blažek, Petr, ed. Opozice a odpor proti komunistickému režimu v Československu 1968–1989 [Opposition and Resistance to the Communist Regime in Czechoslovakia 1968–1989]. Prague: Dokořán, 2005.

Blood, Phillip W. Hitler’s Bandit Hunters: The SS and the Nazi Occupation of Europe. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2011.

Boháč, Lubomír. Jan Masaryk—Úvahy o jeho smrti [Jan Masaryk—Reflections on His Death]. Prague: XYZ, 2010.

Bolton, Jonathon. Worlds of Dissent: Charter 77, The Plastic People of the Universe, and Czech Culture under Communism. Cambridge, MA, and London, UK: Harvard University Press, 2012.

Bondy, Ruth. “Elder of the Jews”: Jacob Edelstein of Theresienstadt. Translated by Evelyn Abel. New York: Grove Press, 1989.

———. Potulné kořeny [Wandering Roots]. Prague: Nakladatelství Franze Kafky, 2010.

———. Víc štěstí než rozumu [More Luck Than Reason]. Prague: Argo, 2003.

Bradley, Omar N. A Soldier’s Story. New York: Henry Holt, 1951..

Brandes, Detlef. Die Sudetendeutschen im Krisenjahr 1938 [The Sudeten Germans in the Crisis Year 1938]. Munich: Oldenbourg, 2008.

———. Die Tschechen unter deutschem Protektorat. Besatzungspolitik, Kollaboration und Widerstand im Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren bis Heydrichs Tod (1939-1942) [The Czechs under the German Protectorate. Occupation Policies, Collaboration and Resistance in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia until Heydrich’s Death], part 1, (Munich and Vienna: Oldenbourg, 1969)

———. Die Tschechen unter deutschem Protektorat. Besatzungspolitik, Kollaboration und Widerstand im Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren von Heydrichs Tod bis zum Prager Aufstand (1942-1945) [The Czechs under the German Protectorate: Occupation Politics, Collaboration and Resistance in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia from Heydrich’s Death to the Prague Uprising], part 2, (Munich and Vienna: Oldenbourg, 1975.

Brandes, Detlef, Edita Ivaničková, and Jiří Pešek, eds. Erzwungene Trennung: Verteilungen und Aussiedlungen in und aus der Tscheschoslowakei, 1938–1947: im Vergleich mit Polen, Ungarn, und Jugoslawien [Forced Separation: Expulsions and Exhibitions in and from Czechoslovakia, 1938–1947: Compared with Poland, Hungary, and Yugoslavia]. Essen: Klartext, 1999.

Brandes, Detlef, Dušan Kováč, and Jiří Pešek, eds. Wendepunkte in den Beziehungen zwischen Deutschen, Tschechen und Slowaken 1848–1989 [Turning Points in Relations Between Germans, Czechs and Slovaks 1848–1989]. Essen: Klartext Verlag, 2007.

Brandes, Detlef, and Vaclav Kural, eds. Der Weg in die Katastrophe: Deutsch-Tschechoslowakische Beziehungen, 1938–1947 [The Road to Disaster: German-Czechoslovakian Relations, 1938–1947]. Essen: Klartext, 2000.

Brenner, Christine. Mezi Východem a Západem: České politické rozpravy, 1945–1948 [Between East and West: Czech Political Discourses, 1945–1948]. Translated by Blanka Pscheidtová. Prague: Argo, 2015.

Brod, Petr, Kateřina Čapková, and Michal Frankl. December 13, 2010. Czechoslovakia. YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe.

Broucek, Peter, ed. Ein General im Zwielicht: Die Erinnerungen Edmund Glaise von Horstenau [A General in Twilight: The Memories of Edmund Glaise of Horstenau]. Vienna: Böhlau Verlag Wien, 1983.

Browning, Christopher R. The Origins of the Final Solution: The Evolution of Nazi Jewish Policy, September 1939–March 1942. Lincoln, NE: Bison Books, 2004.

Bryant, Chad. Prague in Black: Nazi Rule and Czech Nationalism. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2007.

Buchler, Yehoshua Robert, and Ruth Shashak, eds. Pinkas Hakehillot Slovakia: Encyclopaedia of Jewish Communities, Slovakia. Translated by Martin Jacobs. Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 2003.

Budil, Ivo, Věra Tydlitátová, Lena Arava-Novotná, and Zbyněk Tarant. Encyklopedie Dějin Antisemitismu [Encyclopedia of the History of Anti-Semitism]. Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita, 2013.

Burian, Michal, Aleš Knížek, Jiří Rajlich, and Eduard Stehlík. Assassination: Operation Anthropoid 1941–1942. Prague: Ministry of Defense of the Czech Republic, 2002.

Buruma, Ian. Year Zero: A History of 1945. New York: Penguin Press, 2013.

Bush, George, and Brent Scowcroft. A World Transformed. New York: Knopf, 1998.

Byrnes, James F. Speaking Frankly. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1947.

Čapek, Karel. Talks with T. G. Masaryk. Translated by Michael Henry Heim. North Haven, CT: Catbird Press, 1995.

Čapka, František. Dějiny zemí Koruny české v datech [The History of Lands of Bohemian Crown in Dates]. Prague: Libri, 2010.

Čapková, Kateřina. Czechs, Germans, Jews? National Identity and the Jews of Bohemia. Translated by Derek Paton and Marzia Paton. New York: Berghahn Books, 2012.

Čapková. Kateřina and Michal Frankl. Nejisté útočiště: Československo a uprchlíci před nacismem 1933-1938 [Uncertain Sanctuary: Czechoslovakia and the Refugees from Nazism 1933-1938]. Prague: Paseka, 2008.

Čermák, Ladislav. Operace Únor 1948 : O trávě pod asfaltem, izraelském faktoru, ruských archivech a o vědě něvědě [Operations in February 1948: On the Grass under the Asphalt, the Israeli Factor, the Russian Archives and Science of the Nation]. Prague: Naše vojsko, 2010.

Charles, Prince of Schwarzenberg, Ivo Hlobil, Ladislav Kesner, Ivan Muchka, and Tomáš Vlček. The Prague Castle and Its Treasures. Translated by John Gilbert. New York: Vendome Press, 1994.

Childers, Thomas. The Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2017.

Cholínský, Jan, and Vít Smetana. O příčinách vítězství komunistů v únoru 1948 [The Causes of the Communist Victory in 1948 ]. Prague: Občanský Inst., 2009.

Churchill, Winston S. The Unrelenting Struggle: War Speeches by the Right Hon. Winston S. Churchill. London: Cassell, 1942.

Čížek, Rudolf. Ztracené archivy 1968: 21. srpen 1968 v ulicích Prahy [Lost Archives 1968: August 21, 1968 in the Streets of Prague]. Prague: Naše vojsko, 2011.

Clark, Christopher. The Sleepwalkers: How Europe Went to War in 1914. New York: HarperCollins, 2012.

Čmolík, Fr., J. Roubal, and K. Zajíček. Český národ soudí K. H. Franka [Czech Nation Tries K. H. Frank]. Edited by Karel Zajíček. Prague: Czech Ministry of Information, 1947.

Cook, David. A History of Narrative Film, 4th ed. New York: Norton, 2004.

Cornwall, Mark, and R. J. W. Evans, eds. Czechoslovakia in a Nationalist and Fascist Europe, 1918–1948. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2007.

Correspondents of the New York Times. The Collapse of Communism. Edited by Bernard Gwertzman and Michael T. Kaufman. New York: New York Times Company, 1990.

Cox, Michael, and Caroline Kennedy-Pipe. “The Tragedy of American Diplomacy? Rethinking the Marshall Plan.” Journal of Cold War Studies 7, no. 1 (2005).

Čutková, Marie. Mostecké drama: Svědectví novinářů, spisovatelů a pokrokové veřejnosti o velké mostecké stávce roku 1932 [Drama of Most: Testimonies of the Journalists, Writers and Progressive Public about the Great Strike of Most in 1932]. Prague: Mladá fronta, 1972.

Čvančara, Jaroslav. Někomu život, někomu smrt: československý odboj a nacistická okupační moc: 1941–1943 [Life to Some, Death to Others: Czechoslovak Resistance and Nazi Occupation: 1941–1943]. 1st ed. Prague: Laguna, 1997.

Dagan, Avigdor, Gertrude Hirshcler, and Lewis Weiner, eds. The Jews of Czechoslovakia: Historical Studies and Surveys, vols. 1–3. Philadelphia and New York: The Jewish Publication Society of America and the Society for the History of Czechoslovak Jews, 1984.

Dalin, David G. Jewish Justices of the Supreme Court from Brandeis to Kagan: Their Lives and Legacies. Waltham, MA: Brandeis University Press, 2017.

Davenport, Marcia. Too Strong for Fantasy. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1967.

David, Lester, and Irene David. The Shirley Temple Story. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1983.

Deist, Wilhelm, Manfred Messerschmidt, Hans-Erich Volkmann, and Wolfram Wette. Germany and the Second World War, vol. 1. Translated by P. S. Falla, Dean S. McMurry, and Ewald Osers. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press, 1990.

Dejmek, Jindřich. Diplomacie Československa. Díl II. Biografický slovník československých diplomatů (1918–1992) [Diplomacy of Czechoslovakia, Part 2. Biographical Dictionary of Czechoslovak Diplomats (1918–1992)]. Prague: Academia, 2013.

———. Edvard Beneš. Politická biografie českého demokrata. Část první. Revolucionář a diplomat (1884–1935) [Edvard Beneš: Political Biography of the Czech Democrat, Part 1: Revolutionary and Diplomat (1884–1935)]. Prague: Karolinum, 2006.

Demetz, Peter. Prague in Danger: The Years of German Occupation, 1939–1945: Memories and History, Terror and Resistance, Theater and Jazz, Film and Poetry. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2008.

D’Este, Carlo. Eisenhower: A Soldier’s Life. New York: Henry Holt, 2002.

Dickerson, Bryan J. The Liberators of Pilsen: The U.S. 16th Armored Division in World War II Czechoslovakia. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2018.

Douglas, R.M. Orderly and Humane: The Expulsion of the Germans after the Second World War. New Haven, CT, and London, UK: Yale University Press, 2012.

Drtina, Prokop. Československo, můj osud: Kniha života českého demokrata 20. století. Emigrací k vítězství [Czechoslovakia Was My Destiny: The Book of 20th-Century Czech Democracy. Emigration to Victory]. Prague: Melantrich, 1991.

Dubček, Alexander. Hope Dies Last: The Autobiography of Alexander Dubcek. Edited by Jiří Hochman. New York: Kodansha America, 1993.

Dubská, Gabriela, et al. The Story of Prague Castle. Translated by Kathleen Hayes. Prague: Prague Castle Administration, 2003.

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